
Belotero® is an FDA-approved cosmetic dermal filler that reduces wrinkles and fine lines on the face to ultimately add volume and fullness to the skin. Similar to other dermal fillers, Belotero® is made from hyaluronic acid to provide almost immediate natural-looking volume and softness to facial tissue.

Belotero® is not a permanent treatment and typically lasts about six to nine months, which is a bit longer than other cosmetic dermal fillers. Belotero® treatment can be given here at Athleo L. Cambre, MD, and only takes a short amount of time to complete. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after treatment.

What are the side effects of Belotero®?
Side effects of Belotero® include bruising and redness at the injection site, tenderness, and swelling. The lifespan and effectiveness of Belotero® primarily depends on your physiological makeup, which is why we recommend consulting your doctor before beginning treatment.

To learn more and find out if Belotero® is right for you, call us today at (310) 777-6677 to request a consultation.

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